About LuFu

Lux Futurum is produced by VLDC in conjunction with the Zhu Rong Team.


Virtual Lighting Design Community (VLDC)

The vld.community is a global network for the lighting design profession and wider lighting industry which aims to empower, educate, shape and inspire the lighting profession for years to come. The online community brings all our peers together: lighting designers, experts, academics and individuals from diverse backgrounds. It facilitates an exchange of views on a variety of issues, shares knowledge and insights and also hosts informed debates on emerging topics. 

The VLDC space is a virtual platform that facilitates new ways of thinking and connects innovative ideas that address global lighting issues which includes a selection of presentations on future thought. As such, VLDC is well placed to develop a new recognition program to recognise future thinking within the lighting community.


Zhu Rong Team

With rich experience in competition organization, Zhu Rong Team has been planning and organizing the Zhu Rong Award for over a decade, which stands out as a leading competition platform and the largest annual event within China’s vibrant lighting design industry. Rooted in the essence of China’s light culture, this competition unites interior designers, architects, lighting designers, top-notch lighting brands, and other key players in the lighting ecosystem. It serves as a hub for cross-border communication, exploring exceptional design talents and works, while spreading the essence and knowledge of light culture. It also acts as a vital bridge for fostering communication between lighting and decoration design.

With a rich history spanning over a decade and 25 cities in China, we have amassed over 50,000 works. Hosting approximately 200 enlightening lectures on lighting design, it not only witnesses but actively shapes China’s lighting design narrative. The award has played an important role in propelling the development of China’s lighting design landscape.